Pain in Right Side of Neck: 9 Causes

Neck Pain: Is It A Sign Of Something Serious?
Pain can commonly occur in the right side of the neck. Most of the time, this neck pain happens because of a muscle strain or some other benign cause. Usually, those suffering from neck pain can treat it with medications or other home remedies. But for those with prolonged or severe neck pain, seeing a doctor is the best option.
The human neck includes muscles, spinal bones, and other tissue and is therefore a vital part of the body. While other parts of the body are also crucial, the neck is exposed and at a higher risk of injury. Also, since the neck is moved constantly, it is prone to getting strained.
Another common experience is pain in the neck's associated areas, the head, jaw, back, and shoulders.
The following article shares nine of the most common causes of neck pain that can occur in the right side, along with treatment options and when you should see a doctor.
Right Side Neck Pain Causes
Here are some of the common causes of neck pain the the right side:
1. Anxiety And Stress
Stress can cause muscles in the neck to tighten as people often "hold" tension in their back and neck. Because of this, excess strain in the area can cause neck pain.
2. Wear And Tear Or Degeneration
As the body ages, it causes the discs and vertebrae in the neck wear and tear that can cause pain on the right side of the neck.
This degeneration can cause a person to experience persistent or chronic, neck pain.
Also, there are medical conditions that can cause break down of the neck's discs, vertebrae, and other parts.
Some of these conditions include:
- Pinched nerves
- Inflammation
- Arthritis
- Cervical fractures
- Cervical disc degeneration
3. Poor Sleeping Position
It is not uncommon to wake up and feel pain or stiffness in the neck, back, or shoulders. This can be due to the many factors, including the sleeping position, the mattress firmness, and the number of pillows. All of these things can affect the way the body feels in the morning.
Sleeping with proper support for the head and having the neck properly aligned decreases the chances of waking up with neck pain.
4. Non-Specific Neck Pain
Not all cases of neck pain are easy to diagnose. It can be difficult to determine the cause of the pain. The neck pain might be from something as minor as a small sprain to a tear of the muscle tissue. Most commonly, this is the cause of neck pain.
Poor posture can also cause neck pain. Muscles can become strained by holding the neck out of alignment for extended periods of time. For those who bend forward for work, for several hours at a time, this can be particularly true.
5. Sudden Neck Jolt Or Whiplash
When the head suddenly jolts forward, then backwards quickly, this is known as whiplash and causes injury to the neck. The movement is similar to how a whip is cracked. While many people relate whiplash to car accidents, it can also result from other sudden movements and even sporting activities.
6. Sudden-Onset or Acute Torticollis
A medical condition where the head becomes twisted to one side is known as torticollis. This makes it very painful to straighten the head out. It is not always known what causes torticollis. Medical professionals suspect that torticollis is usually caused by minor muscle or ligament sprains which occur in the neck. However, if the neck is exposed to extended cold temperatures, that can also be the cause.
Torticollis is strange in that it usually occurs overnight. Typically, when a person goes to bed, they will have absolutely no symptoms, but will wake up with the inability to move their neck. Most of the time, the pain will subside on its own after just a few days and everything will get back to normal.
However, there are times that torticollis can be the symptom a health issue that is more severe. Torticollis can be caused by underlying causes such as infections, tumors, or side effects of certain medications.
7. Brachial Plexus Injury
Neck pain can be caused if the nerves that connect the spinal cord to the hands become damaged.
The brachial plexus, as defined by the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, is a collection of nerves connecting the spinal cord in the neck to the hands. Any injury that affects the brachial plexus can cause pain in the neck and in the hand. Blunt force trauma is the most common cause of brachial plexus injury. This can result from car accidents or sporting injuries.
8. Cervical Radiculopathy
Many people refer to cervical radiculopathy as a pinched nerve. This can happen when the nerves originating in the spinal cord in the neck are irritated and cause pain that radiates down the arm.
While this usually results in neck pain, primary symptoms can also include:
- Pins and needles feelings in the arm
- Arm numbness
- Pain in the arm
- Weakness in the arm
Usually, cervical radiculopathy is caused by a prolapsed disc or neck arthritis, or cervical spondylosis.
9. Right Side Neck Pain, Rare Causes
Here are some other, less common causes of neck pain that can be more severe:
- Infections
- Bone Disorders
- Serious Injury
- Damage to vertebrae, spinal cord, or nerves
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Cancer
Treatment And Home Remedies For Right Neck Pain
Neck exercises and stretching can help to ease neck pain.
Neck pain that is mild to moderate can typically be treated at home. Depending on the cause of the neck pain, and other factors, the pain can clear up quickly, within the day or it could take up to a few weeks for the neck to be pain free.
Before seeking medical help, a person might want to try the following remedies to try to ease their pain:
- Reduce stress
- Apply ice to injured area
- Practice good posture when sitting, standing, and walking
- Apply heat using a heating pad; warm, moist towel; or bath
- Take over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers
- Massage and manipulate the neck
- Stretch the neck
- Perform exercises to help strengthen the neck
- Sleep in a position which supports the neck and head
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While home remedies can alleviate the pain for some people and for some conditions, there are times when certain conditions will require medical treatment to achieve the desired relief from the neck pain. The treatment needed will depend on many factors, including the cause of the pain, and any underlying conditions.
Medical treatments a doctor may try:
- Physical or Occupational Therapy
- Muscle Relaxants
- Medications injected into the neck
- Surgery
When You Should Consider Seeing A Doctor
Typically, it is not necessary to visit a doctor if the pain or discomfort is mild or moderate. If taking OTC medications and gentle movements through the day help to minimize the pain, seeing a doctor is generally not necessary.
However, if the pain is persistent or severe, or if there are additional symptoms, it is advised to seek guidance from a medical professional. By doing so, the doctor can help determine what is causing the pain, examine the area to determine any severe injuries or conditions that may require treatment. Also, the doctor can prescribe stronger treatments that are more able to ease the pain.
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Neck pain that is on the right side is not usually a reason for concern. Typically, this type of pain can be treated at home and is benign.
However, if one finds their symptoms become more severe or persist, they should seek advice from a doctor as soon as possible. Usually, neck pain will resolve in 1-2 weeks.
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