Pinched Nerve Remedies: 10 Ways To Get Relief

Ways to Relieve Pinched Nerves
A pinched nerve can occur when a nerve ending becomes caught inside pressure or force. This can be especially painful and the nerve will send a distress signal to the brain. Pinched nerves are typically already damaged and the symptom of this condition can include numbness and weakness in the affected region.
In the following article, we will take the time to explore some of the most common symptoms of a pinched nerve and what can be done to prevent this problem.
Symptoms for Pinched Nerves
The signals of a pinched nerve will result in a variety of different signals transmitted through the body and especially in the region where the nerve is being pinched. This can be experienced as numbness or weakness.
Some of the symptoms of a pinched nerve may include:
- muscle weakness
- pain
- tingling
- numbness
- burning
- stinging pain
- Feeling that the region has “fallen asleep”
Symptoms may also be experienced more profoundly after sitting or lying down for some time.
A pinched nerve leaves the individual more susceptible to other issues as well. Those that suffer from pinched nerves also deal with conditions of sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow.
While a pinched nerve can occur at any place of the body, it is most common for them to occur in the back, elbows, neck, and wrists.
Ten Home Remedies For A Pinched Nerve
Pinched nerves can happen to anyone and when they do there are a few things that can be done in the comfort of your home to improve the painful condition.
1. Extra sleep and rest
Rest is a great way to allow the body time and energy to the structures of the nervous system. The body works well to repair the body while it is sleeping. Furthermore, the sleeping posture relieves stress placed on the nerve so getting a little extra sleep can allow the pinched nerve to possibly heal on its own.
While seeking to address a pinched nerve, rest is important. Therefore, the person suffering from this nerve damage can greatly improve their condition by not using the nerve and the affected area if they can help it. When sitting or resting they should also seek out a position that relieves pressure from the nerve and the affected area.
2. Change of posture
A pinched nerve can make the body more inclined to adopt poor posture which can lead to other problems. By standing or sitting in an incorrect position for too long, the body has the chance to create a worse condition for the pinched nerve, or even create another pinched nerve in another area.
A good way to avoid this problem while at work is by using a variety of cushions, neck rests and adjustable chairs to relieve the pressure from the neck and back.
3. Ergonomic workstation
Another good way to avoid the troubles of a pinched nerve will be to switch the workstation around. Because of the amount of time one spends in their work station, keeping this place comfortable and well suited to good posture is very important.
This can be done by using an ergonomic mouse and keyboard can do much to reduce pressure on the wrists and hands. Raising the computer screen to eye-level will also allow the neck and back to experience less strain.
There are also standing workstations that are especially well suited to keeping a straight spine and this can reduce pain in the back and neck. Ergonomic workstations are designed to be used in a variety of different postures as they best suit the user. These can be bought online, but it would be a good idea to head over to your office furniture store where you can try the various options out and see which best suits your needs.
4. Pain-relieving medications
OTC pain medications are especially effective at countering the pain experienced by a pinched nerve. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, better known as NSAIDs, can help to reduce the swelling in the location and this is an effective relief to the condition of pinched nerves.
Ibuprofen is one of the most common and effective medications for this purpose and is available over the counter. As with any other drug you may consider using for your pain and discomfort, you will want to contact your doctor to ensure your NSAIDS will not cause a negative reaction with another condition you may be suffering.
5. Stretching and yoga
The benefits of yoga as a stress-relieving activity and form of healthy exercise have long been established. Yoga is a gentle way of engaging the muscles and connective tissues to relieve pressure and tension. But, this should be done very carefully as it can also place considerable pressure on a pinched nerve and make the condition worse.
6. Massage or physical therapy
Another great way to engage the soft tissues of the body to improve circulation and relax the muscles is a soothing massage. An expert in massage therapy can even use massage to engage nerve centers of the back, shoulders, neck, arms, and legs to improve nervous communications and soothe a pinched nerve.
Then again, some types of massage like a deep tissue massage may not be the best idea for this type of condition as the severe pressure can cause more pain in a sore part of the body.
Physical therapy combines massage, stretching and exercise to specifically address these conditions and can help relieve symptoms.
7. Self-Massage
Pinched nerves and the discomfort that they can cause can be addressed effectively through a gentle massage. With pinched nerves in the hands and arms, it is quite easy to apply self-massage techniques to soothe such a condition and this can be even more effective with the warming/cooling massage oil or ointment.
For addressing the back and neck, you might need a bit of help. This is where self-massage equipment can help the individual provide the perfect massage to soothe a wide variety of painful conditions from stress and fatigue to pinched nerves.
These tools are typically found in an oddly shaped design that combines body weight and gravity to apply precision pressure to the affected region. Here you will see a variety of exemplary products designed for addressing different areas of the body.
PSO-RITE is the newest self massage tool on the market. Its patented design mimics the hand and elbow of a massage therapist.
What does the PSO-RITE do?
- Increases circulation, relaxation and warmth to the muscles, and increases mobility. The PSO-RITE is used for muscle lengthening and joint decompression, which enhances physical performance. It also adds range of motion by releasing tension in the muscle allowing the joint to have more space, increasing mobility/movement.
- What is releasing? the cross link adhesions between the muscle fibers.
- Increasing Capacity which will increase your Performance
Where do you use PSO-RITE?
- Everywhere: Hip flexor, psoas, lower back, shoulder, neck etc.
- Along any muscle
8. Elevate the legs
When feeling the effects of a pinched nerve, relieving the pressure on the affected region is a good way to experience immediate relief. One way to do this is by lying down and placing the feet higher than the body. Don’t raise the feet too high, just above the rest of the body is enough to relieve pressure from the affected area.
9. Ice and heat packs
Alternating hot and cold compresses is another way to soothe and relax the nerves. The heat and cold relax and contract the skin, muscles, and tissue and improve the circulations. This can be done with sophisticated hot-cold ointments or with ice packs and towels dipped in warm water. Repeat the process up to three times a day.
10. Lifestyle changes
Pinched nerves are often a sign of other unhealthy habits. Including more exercise, conscious eating and other small lifestyle adjustments that increase your personal and spatial awareness can do much too improve your body fitness and coordination. This can go a long way in avoiding the actions and habits that lead to pinched nerves.
Making sure to warm up before exercise and stretch well after cooling down are more important ways to improve the conditions of your nerves and muscle systems.
You can also visit our store and check out our Psoas Muscle Massager that can help in releasing your pinched nerves and other sensitive muscles.
Final Notes on Pinched nerves
The important conclusion is that pinched nerves are a small problem that can cause a world of pain and agony. The good news is that they are mostly avoidable and can even be addressed in the comfort of the home. Remember that a pinched nerve will not typically “go away” and can result in the body adjusting to compensate for the discomfort, which can result in more problems.
It is always best to address the problem as early as you can. If your problems persist for an extended period or after a few days of your efforts to address them through self-massage tools and exercise, you may want to have them examined by a doctor.
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